Do You Think That The Way You Dress Represents Who You Are?
In ancient days, human beings literally had no work, and they were all innocent. The only work they had was to make sure there is continuity of species. Continuity of species is ensuring by continuously reproducing and making sure the offspring’s survive the hard and bad conditions. The parents of the offspring’s were asked to take care of the offspring’s and first it was said that the offspring’s breed among themselves.
In those days, dress was a word unheard of. As they grew up in intellectual development occurred. They wanted to be different from the other animals in the forest therefore, they make covered out of the plant sheaths and animal skins. They were more accurately got for surviving the cold and adverse conditions that human skins can not bear without additional clothes.
Then, the clans got bigger and competitions between the clans make it look like it is the sense of pride. They adorned their females with beautiful things. As things got bigger, clothes with standard styles were manufactures for men and women.
Then certain types of jobs were asked to wear certain type of dress available from trusted uniform suppliers in Sydney of various dressing brands. It is just messed up to see people flaunting their branded dresses to their mates because they can afford it with their parents’ money.
The worst part of development is the lingerie shops. The basic bras and panties had taken a series of revolution and see there ad sexy clothes to seduce your partner. It will never make sense to people that it is just a marketing strategy.
For example, in 1960s, diamond engagement and wedding rings became very famous after a successful campaign and advertisement. They cut short the endless supply and gave up the smaller sum. Even today, diamonds are costly but there is abundantly found in South Africa and other parts in abundance. This the power of manipulation and industrial psychology.
It is human nature to believe the inexistent idea that high priced goods are better than the cheap ones. It is a lie. The cheap ones are brought by the high end stores and sold for those high prices and made profit of.
Finally while talking about dresses and dressing, it is important to talk about ‘dressing’ like the way you like is inviting men to abuse or rape you is a such a crap and if you have people like that in your life, let them go and cut them off. You do not need such kind of negativity in your life. If our dressing is inviting men, did females every one tell that you can come inside any open house like the dogs? Nowadays, even dogs understand their limits.